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Impress your dear ones by sending this Wonderful Gift Hamper of Assorted Chocolates and elegantly brighten up their mood.
This Gift Basket has the following items -
1) 1 Cadbury Nutties (30 gms)
2) 2 Pcs Cadbury Temptation (72 gms)
3) 3 Pcs Nestle KitKat (2 finger bar-10 gms)
4) 2 Pcs Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit N Nuts (36 gms)
5) 2 pcs Lotte Chocopie (168 gms)
6) Small Basket.
  • Price:  Rs. 1189 / $ 13.99

Sameday Delivery (Cut Off Time: 2 P.M. IST)
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