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  • Tie your loved ones close to your heart by gifting them this amazing Heart-Shaped Chocolate Photo Cake that will be forever cherished by them. (Cake Weight-500 gms)

    Note Please send a High Resolution Photo to [email protected] with your Order Number; within 1 hour of placing the order. We need one full day for organizing the Cake designed with the given Photo, Cut of time 4 PM.

    Rs. 1069 / $ 12.58
  • Tie your loved ones close to your heart by gifting them this amazing Heart-Shaped Chocolate Photo Cake that will be forever cherished by them. (Cake Weight-1 Kg.)

    Note Please send a High Resolution Photo to [email protected] with your Order Number; within 1 hour of placing the order. We need one full day for organizing the Cake designed with the given Photo, Cut of time 4 PM.

    Rs. 1689 / $ 19.87
Earliest Delivery : TodayRemote locations may take one day more.